tARTget prize


The organization has assembled a staff composed of prestigious international painters, renowned curators, and experts in the art and collecting world. They will be responsible for assessing the artworks and proceeding with the selection of the 200 finalist paintings.

Each category will be assessed by a jury panel consisting of 4 or 5 members. The jury members may belong to different groups and therefore judge different categories. Each jury member would be assigned the categories most closely aligned with their artistic or professional profile.

They will evaluate the paintings based on the photographs submitted through the form included in the APPLICATION or APPLY NOW sections of this website.

Of the 200 finalists, around 50 artworks will be selected to be part of the exhibition at the Ateneo de Madrid. This decision will be made by the organization and managers of the exhibition space. Finally, another team, consisting of reputable judges and organization members, will form the Physical Jury. The task of this second evaluating team will be to determine which works among the finalists deserve the 18 cash prizes and Honorable Mentions.

For the selection of winners for artistic residencies and fine arts materials, a specific jury will be formed for each prize. It will be composed of a member of the organization and a representative from the sponsoring company of that specific award.